Anjuli Jhakry

.NET Developer at 4DotNet | Microsoft MVP .NET

Microsoft Entra External ID: easy authentication from your app to your API
Trekanten, Wednesday 09:00 - 09:55

Save yourself and your users time with Microsoft Entra External ID authentication. Microsoft Entra External ID provides built-in support for multiple identity providers, such as Google and Facebook. With just a few clicks in Azure, and a few lines of code in your app, your users can sign in, sign out and a lot of other useful things. You don’t even have to worry about creating a login page! In this session, you will learn the basics of Entra External ID, its benefits, and how to integrate it into your app and Azure. This includes a walkthrough on setting up Entra External ID and a demonstration of how you can log in with a .NET Blazor app and access an API.

Anjuli Jhakry

Meet Anjuli Jhakry: A Microsoft MVP and .NET developer at 4DotNet by day and a Microsoft Entra ID explorer by night. I'm navigating the vast ecosystem of Microsoft, always eager to learn. Beyond this, I am passionate about giving presentations and advocating for the incredible potential of tech to everyone.