Sebastian Nilsson

Developing great ideas into solutions with value – from thought to result

RAG: Demystifying Local Knowledge AI
Tesla, Tuesday 09:00 - 09:50

Today's leading AI solutions are trained on vast amounts of generally available data. A powerful way to enhance these AI systems is by incorporating localized, specific knowledge into this broader dataset. One method for achieving this is through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

In this session, we'll walk through how RAG can be implemented with ChatGPT or any other Large Language Model (LLM). By using RAG, you can enable scenarios like chatting with your email inbox, local computer files, intranet articles, or any other local knowledge base.

We'll demystify this topic by breaking down the concept into simple terms, as well as looing at both code and prompts that enable AI access to local knowledge stored in a database.

The History of C# - From v1 to v12 and Beyond
Hallen, Tuesday 11:10 - 12:00

If you like .NET, you most probably love C#. If you know it well, you’re probably quite productive working in it. That might not just be by complete chance. Few languages has evolved as constantly as C# and has adapted as well to the problems its users faces at the time.

At version 12, there are so many wonderful things we take for granted, such as generics, LINQ, async/await, string interpolation, pattern matching, records, init-only properties and much more. These have not always been there and are still not available in many widely used languages out there.

Come along on a trip down memory lane, to see how C# has evolved over time. How the team evolving it has listened to the requirements of its users and helped us with new features that constantly pushes the limits of how much we can do with terse and still readable C# code.

Sebastian Nilsson

Sebastian is an experienced full stack developer specializing in Microsoft technologies like C#, ASP.NET, and Azure. With a career spanning back to 2003, he embraced .NET early on to streamline inefficient workflows in organizations. Since 2007, he's been a professional web developer focused on web standards, HTML, TypeScript, JavaScript, and open-source tools.

He thrives on developing modern engineering culture while constantly exploring new technologies through personal projects. Passionate about fostering creativity and knowledge-sharing, he organized Sweden's largest .NET meetup, attracting 180 attendees for insights into the launch .NET Core 1.0.