Nico Vermeir

Application Architect .NET at Inetum

Tales from the trenches: Building a distributed system with Aspire and Dapr
Hallen, Monday 15:40 - 16:30

.NET Aspire and Dapr, they sounds similar, they certainly have overlapping features, but they each bring their strengths to the challenges of building distributed applications.

We have been building a distributed application using these two technologies for the better part of the year now. In this session I will share our successes and our failures. By the end you will have a good idea whether or not this combination, or just one of the two technologies, are a good fit for your project.

We will learn about service discovery, containerization, tracing, logging and much more. So get ready for a session filled to the brink with great distributed stuff!

Nico Vermeir

Nico Vermeir is an application architect at Inetum-Realdolmen in Belgium since 2010, where he has a strong focus on building and architecting modern applications. Being a strong believer in the importance of communities he tries to share knowledge wherever he can, be it on Twitter, at a user group or conference. He has spoken on many international conferences such as NDC Oslo, NDC Sydney, NDC London, Swetugg, Build Stuff, DotNext. Nico is a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies, crew member of Techorama BE and NL and crew member of VISUG, Belgium's largest .NET user group.

In his spare time he enjoys brewing (and tasting) beer, playing the guitar, riding his Harley-Davidson and doing Karate.