Magnus Mårtensson

CEO | Azure MVP | Microsoft Regional Director

Lessons learned from public sector cloud implementations
Pascal, Monday 13:20 - 14:10

It is time to talk about the specific challenges on the cloudy road ahead! It may feel intimidating, daunting, with a real risk of missing the target or not gaining the full benefit of the cloud-move. The cloud promises; Agile/fast, secure, compliant, and pay-per-use. Not to mention all those new AI services – they are all in the cloud. No cloud, no AI!

Right now, the Swedish public sector is in fact moving to the cloud. For many years, the situation was rather locked by compliance, security, and data sovereignty matters.

Over a decade after the introduction of cloud computing, the public sector in Sweden is finally beginning to migrate services that contain citizen data and/or are classified as nationally critical infrastructure to the cloud.

Among the challenges associated with adopting a cloud approach are governance, managing partner and supplier relationships, ensuring security and compliance, transitioning skills, planning for change, and developing a proper strategy. Attend this session for a run-down of the bold steps that will set you on a straighter path directly to the cloud!

Magnus Mårtensson

Magnus Mårtensson is an entrepreneur, a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Azure since the start of the cloud, and a Microsoft Regional Director (RD). He is a consultant, architect, product development lead, and he runs his own company Loftysoft. As an international speaker Magnus travels the world to teach, network, learn, and experience. His passions include connecting with audiences and organizing conferences such as CloudBurst and GlobalAzure. He is of course also very into good food, wine, and great company. Topping it all is mind-sharing, so when you see him at a conference, come over and say hi!