François Bouteruche

Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services

REST, gRPC, SignalR and GraphQL for .NET developers. Which is right for your use case?
Tesla, Monday 15:40 - 16:30

REST, gRPC, SignalR and GraphQL. As .NET developers, we hear a lot about those four technologies to build API. However, it is not always crystal clear how to decide the one to pick for a use case. REST is a software architectural style. gRPC is a cross-platform open source Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework. SignalR is a free and open-source software library. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs.

In this talk, we discuss their core concepts and the problems they are trying to solve. Finally, we propose a decision-tree to help you decide the right one for your use case.

François Bouteruche

I'm currently Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services, advocating for .NET developers.

I'm a .NET developer for more than 15 years. I've been a Microsoft MVP and I've worked at Microsoft France as a technical expert around Visual Studio products and .NET.

I've joined Amazon Web Services in 2019 to help .NET developers using AWS Cloud to build, test and deploy efficiently and securely on AWS Cloud.