Dennis Doomen

Hands-on architect in the .NET space with 26 years of experience on an everlasting quest for knowledge to build the right software the right way at the right time

My 25 Laws of Test Driven Development
Tesla, Friday 10:10 - 11:00

About 15 years ago, I got inspired by the practice of Test Driven Development. Now, with many years of great and not-so-great experiences practicing Test Driven Development, I thought it is the time to capture my own “laws”. The term "law" is obviously an exaggeration and "principles or heuristics" cover my intend much better. Either way, I want to talk about the scope of testing, using the observable behavior, naming conventions, state-based vs interaction-based testing, the impact of DRY, patterns to build useful test objects and some of the libraries and tools I use. In short, everything I try to follow every day I write, review or maintain code.

Getting a grip on your code dependencies
Hallen, Friday 14:25 - 15:15

I'm sure every developer wants to be able to change code with confidence and without fear. Readable and self-explanatory code is one aspect of that. Too much coupling is another major source of problems that prevent you from changing one part of the system without causing side-effects. In this talk, I'd like you to show you common sources of unnecessary coupling and offer you options to help prevent and/or break those. I'll talk about how principles like Don't Repeat Yourself and Dependency Injection can be a double-edge sword, how to detect too unnecessary dependencies and how to use the Dependency Inversion Principle to unravel some of those. And yes, I will also talk about controlling dependencies on the package level.

Dennis Doomen

Dennis is a Microsoft MVP and a veteran hands-on architect in the .NET space with a special interest in writing clean code, Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and everything agile. He specializes in designing enterprise solutions based on the .NET technologies as well as providing coaching on all aspects of designing, building and maintaining enterprise systems. He is the author of, a very popular .NET assertion framework,, a set of libraries for building Event Sourcing architectures and he has been maintaining coding guidelines for C# on since 2001. He also keeps a blog on his everlasting quest for better solutions at You can reach him on Twitter through @ddoomen and on Mastodon through